Five signs you need a brand refresh.

Often this is a gut feeling. Deep down, you know your brand communication just isn't working as well as it should, but it keeps getting lost in the immediate priorities and getting pushed down the list. Your gut feel is more often than not right, but if these top 5 indicators sound familiar, then it's definitely time.

Test 1. Your team no longer knows how to describe who you are or what you do.

Your brand is much more than your name and identity. It's about having a differentiated position and then articulating it both visually and verbally in an authentic way. But above all, it's a practical set of tools used every day by everyone in your organization, and one of the most important tools is your elevator pitch. By developing this and training your employees on using it, you create a unified message about who you are and why you matter. If your colleagues are telling different stories and sending mixed messages, then you've got the telltale sign it's time to get your communications in order.

Test 2. Your communication gets lost in a sea of sameness.

If you covered up your name and logo on your website, would your audiences still recognize you? If not, it's time to carve out your own space by developing new messaging and a fresh look and feel. If you don't show people who you truly are and why you matter, there's no reason for them to stop and take the time to get to know you and choose you above everyone else.

Test 3. People don't know what makes you fundamentally different.

Talk to your audiences. Do they talk about you being trustworthy and reliable or describe your competitors in the same way? These terms are a minimum standard and just table stakes. Think about your standout partners and why you choose them above their competitors. Test these ideas out with your audiences and make sure they ring true. Only then can you express what makes you different in a way that everyone will believe.

Test 4. Your identity is out of date and irrelevant to what you stand for.

Look at your logo and line it up with your competitor's logos. What does each one communicate over and above their names? Do they add clarity to what they do or how they do it? Does it hold your attention just long enough to stimulate a thought or make you smile? Your identity can't do everything, but in a couple of seconds, it should engage your audiences and make them want to know more. We create idea-led identities that have meaning built into the design and reflect your unique positioning and true personality.

Test 5. Your name is no longer fit for purpose.

Maybe you've expanded your geography, increased and broadened your offer, or added new segments or customers. Now look at your name. Is it confusing to potential clients? Are you losing opportunities before they even begin? Is it an abbreviation or acronym? Think about brand names you love that mean something and give you a visceral reaction—That's what you want your name to do for you too. When a strong name is combined with the right descriptor and tagline, it becomes more than the sum of its parts. It signals what you stand for, what makes you different, and creates more ownership and pride for your team.

Finally, remember you're not alone. The trick is to talk to your team, observe how easy or difficult your brand makes your communication, and find the right partner to give you a competitive advantage. Your brand is constantly evolving in the outside world, so give it the best possible chance of telling your story in the most authentic, simple, and powerful way possible. Your team and your clients will thank you for it.


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