Aimee joins Marin Humane Advocacy Committee.

This year, I was invited to join the Marin Humane Advocacy Committee.

It's a group of nationally known and connected animal advocates who use education, legislation, and persuasion to fight for animal rights.

Marin Humane has played a major role in almost all of California's animal welfare wins in recent decades like banning elephant bull hooks, stopping the trophy hunting of mountain lions, eliminating wildlife traps and poisons, blocking the sale of foie gras and the helping to pass Prevent Cruelty California. The committee is now working on ending the use of exotic animals in entertainment and the shady and shameful business of breeding pets for profit.

Anyone who knows me or is familiar with our work at Good Stuff will understand why joining a group of animal advocates is a dream come true. Animals have been a huge part of my life ever since I got my first horse when I was five and even more so after I stopped eating meat at seventeen.

I love working with clients who are fellow animal lovers, so now being able to fight for animals on a whole new level is something I'm super stoked to do. I'll be sure to share our progress, so stay tuned!

Aimee Kilmer
Founder & Creative Director


A wise new partnership.


Black Lives Matter.