V-Dog client review.

Instead of just looking for the next job, they find projects they agree with. That speaks to their authenticity.
— Lindsay Rubin, Manager of Operations

Introduce your business and what you do there.
We make vegan food and treats for dogs. I’m Lindsay Rubin, the manager of operations.

What challenge were you trying to address with Good Stuff Partners?
The company has been in business since 2005 and was looking to rebrand in 2012. We originally partnered with Good Stuff for that project.

What was the scope of their involvement?
They started on the rebrand before I joined the company. That included a new e-commerce website and updated packaging for our dog food. They modernized our entire brand and did a complete refresh of our look.

I’ve worked with them closely for at least two years to expand our list of products. We started with just our dog food. When we introduced our treats, they originated our new brand architecture and named each new item. They chose where each product belonged in the line and made sure each name was unique.

What is the team composition?
We work primarily with Aimee (Partner & Creative Director, Good Stuff Partners) and occasionally with her co-owner, Adrian (Partner & Brand Strategist, Good Stuff Partners).

How did you come to work with Good Stuff Partners?
I believe our founder connected with them through the vegan community. Good Stuff works fairly exclusively with conscientious, mission-driven brands like ours.

How much have you invested with them?
We’ve spent in the $50,000–$200,000 range.

What is the status of this engagement?
The rebrand started in 2012. I started in 2013, so I can’t give an accurate timeline for that project. We do less architecture now that we’ve solidified most of our products, but still work with them on branding, packaging, and a few big-picture projects.

What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?
We can attribute much of our brand and product success to the work they did. They gave our products creative names and found the perfect combination of cute, modern, and approachable. The architecture they built puts us in a unique position in the pet space.

How did Good Stuff Partners perform from a project management standpoint?
They’re always responsive. We usually contact Aimee via email or various project management tools like Basecamp or Asana. Everything goes smoothly and their communication is excellent.

What did you find most impressive about them?
They work with really distinct brands with missions they’re passionate about. Instead of just looking for the next job, they find projects they agree with. That speaks to their authenticity. They’re wonderful people and we became great friends. I highly recommend them.

Are there any areas they could improve?
There’s nothing I can think of.


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